Monday 12 March 2012

Magnolia - Part 1

File extract//554921//inq.ref.Magnolia//encrypted//OC//via astropath 8873921//
//To Gabriel Wroth//

TFTD - The enemies of the emperor's light are doomed to burn within it.
Following orders we deployed to the planet and liaised with acolyte Baptiste. He escorted us to a warehouse facility where we were introduced to “87” and the commissarial candidate I selected, before we were shown what remained of agent 118 alpha.

*Personal log extract*//CorvusCorvus//554921.003// - Abraham has gone too far this time, his modifications to Sophia and Cell 094 were one this, machine while useful is just an extension of his mechanicum fetish.
After loading up the provided vehicles with equipment, we ventured into a nearby sewer network, building on the work you had Lucien conduct before we arrived. Having found out all was not what it seemed we followed a set of tracks to a warehouse, where after some “conversing” with a guard discovered some kind of smuggling operation that seemed to have ties to the cult agent 118 alpha was pursuing.  

With a distraction ably set off by “Shiv”, I managed to break into a suite of offices in the warehouse and procure several data slates and hack into a console. However this took more time than was optimal and our presence was detected at the last second. The cell ran, with the workers in hot pursuit. My powers disabled the two door guards and I ran to the safety of the space port, sure in the knowledge I could not be identified.
My acolytes had… other ideas however. Led it seems by Lyra, they stayed at the warehouse and engaged in open combat with the workers.

While I was not there to see it myself, reports are they performed well, though there actions were still not within the mission parameters.

We retired to the hotel once we had rendezvoused at the space port. Once back at the hotel we poured over the collected information and discovered little information on the cult, but enough that we decided to investigate the local gangs in the heart of their collected territories’. We arrived at the club, I left “Shiv” on guard, and the rest of the party proceeded inside.  After some “fraternisation” Lyra and I had discovered a little more about the cults activity,
*Personal log extract*//CorvusCorvus//554921.004// - I relish my new career more than most would know, and while useful, skills from my previous life I am sometimes called on to use still leave me feeling uncomfortable and as if little has changed. 



  1. "My acolytes had… other ideas however. Led it seems by Lyra, they stayed at the warehouse and engaged in open combat with the workers. While I was not there to see it myself, reports are they performed well, though there actions were still not within the mission parameters."

    Not within mission parameters pfft, she was just making sure her gracious and noble interregator got to safety. Just saying i've got Crows back.

    Also, only 2 of us managed to "perform well". Did asshat commisar grummund kill anything that mission?

    1. Don't think so, but probably got him self killed by his actions. So unless that counts ...

    2. Hector died of his injuries and then his corpse was incinerated due to his exposure to warp energies so is about as dead as it's possible to be.
